Why do the progesterone hormone levels drop in early pregnancy?

Why do the progesterone hormone levels drop in early pregnancy?

Being pregnant is a blessing for every couple wanting to be a parent. Even after a successful pregnancy, women sometimes face low progesterone levels in the early stage.

Sometimes even passing the luteal phase is not enough; the progesterone level can drop at this level.

There are many factors affecting the dip of progesterone levels in the early pregnancy tenure. You can visit various IVF clinics in Noida if you face any hindrances in your pregnancy to learn about your health conditions.

Let us see some potential reasons that can cause this hindrance in pregnancy.

Chemical pregnancy

  • When chemical pregnancy is concerned, it is an early miscarriage in women. 
  • It happens before the lady is aware that she is pregnant, around the time of her regular menstrual days. 
  • The main reason for chemical pregnancy is women are abnormalities in chromosomal levels.
  • Suppose you are suffering from weak and tender body situations and going through normal menstruation after the test shows a positive mark. 
  • The positive test becomes negative due to chemical pregnancy, which is affected by the low level of progesterone in the body. 
  • In that case, it may be because you had a miscarriage due to chemical pregnancy.

Many IVF clinics in Noida run tests and screenings to properly monitor your body’s activity. Thus, you can visit them to get a thorough checkup.

Ectopic pregnancy

  • The hormonal levels start fluctuating and indicate something faulty within the body. 
  • The embryo implants itself in one of the fallopian tubes, which results in inappropriate development as the embryo cannot evolve outside the uterus. 
  • Sometimes in pregnancies, there are chances that the embryo attaches itself outside the uterine cavity in women. 
  • You may get a positive result on your pregnancy kit and even start showing some typical pregnancy symptoms like other pregnant women show. 
  • But, you might be suffering from the low progesterone hormone level and simultaneously showing low chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels; these conditions indicate that you are suffering from ectopic pregnancy.


  • PCOS/ PCOD is the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome/ Disorder where females experience a high estrogen level and low progesterone level during their early pregnancy.
  •  PCOS has become one of the rampant ailments women are facing recently. It can therefore lead to miscarriage ultimately. 
  • PCOS women already suffer from hormonal imbalance the entire time, but in their fertility period, they must be cautious and take proper precautions if they want a successful pregnancy.

You can learn how to increase progesterone to get pregnant through various videos and blogs available over the internet. You can even get help from other people sharing their own experiences.

Premature Luteolysis

  • The Corpus luteum is the primary source responsible for producing the progesterone hormone in the body. 
  • The condition of premature luteolysis can be seen when the corpus luteum stops secreting the progesterone hormone too soon. 
  • It is another condition where women can face a drop in progesterone levels in their bodies. It may happen in the early days of the pregnancy or the luteal phase. 
  • These are some common reasons why women face dropped levels of progesterone hormone during their period of pregnancy days.

Many articles will help you guide how to increase progesterone to get pregnant.

Should one be concerned about low levels of progesterone?

Progesterone plays a crucial part in your pregnancy and should not be neglected. Many women do not know much about the different hormone levels and how they affect their pregnancy.

Women who do not have proper progesterone levels may face difficulty staying pregnant. The progesterone level helps the uterus by making it thicker, so it prepares itself for proper implantation and development of the egg.

If you are not pregnant, you can check for these symptoms to know if you are suffering from a low progesterone level in your body.

  • Headaches, Migraines, or Dizziness
  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety or Depression
  • Irregular menstrual cycle

You should see a specialist at the IVF clinic in Noida to understand your body’s state. The irregularities in your menstrual cycle should not be neglected, as they may be a reason for low progesterone levels.

In the case of pregnant women, progesterone is a hormone that maintains the uterus until the child is born. 

The secretion must be at an accurate rate to hold your baby safely till the child’s birth. If your body is not generating enough progesterone, the uterus will not be able to carry the offspring leading to miscarriage.

If you are pregnant, these are some symptoms you should take care of to avoid any risk.

  • Estrogen dominance
  • Sudden weight gain
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Mood swings, including depression and anxiety
  • Gallbladder problems
  • Heavy bleeding
  • PMS
  • Absent or Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Breast tenderness, also fibrocystic breasts
  • Fibroids

You must refer to any IVF clinic in Noida to properly analyze the whole body and learn how to regulate the hormones in the body. They will guide you on how to increase progesterone to get pregnant.

Zeeva Infertility Center is one of the trusted health care clinics working passionately to help you cure any worries you are going through.

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