All About Bella Abzug

In the 1960s and 1970s, Bella Abzug was a well-known liberal activist and politician. She was best known for her work for women's rights.

In the 1960s and 1970s, Bella Abzug was a well-known liberal activist and politician. She was best known for her work for women’s rights.

Who Was Bella Abzug?

Bella Abzug joined the anti-nuclear and peace movements in the 1960s. In 1961, she helped organise the Women’s Strike for Peace. She worked with Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem to start the National Women’s Political Caucus to advocate for women’s issues and change. To have a bigger impact on politics, she served in the House of Representatives from 1971 to 1977.

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Early Life:

Abzug was born Bella Savitsky on July 24, 1920, in New York City. She fought against social and political change for most of her life. Bella Abzug was a leading liberal activist & politician in the 1960s and 1970s. She was known for her work for women’s rights and was not afraid to speak her mind.


Abzug was born in the Bronx, New York, to Russian immigrants. Her father ran a butcher shop there. She made up her mind when she was young that she wanted to be a lawyer. As president of the student council at Hunter College, Abzug showed that she was a natural leader. In 1947, she got a law degree from Columbia University. Abzug tried to get into Harvard Law School, but because of her gender, she was turned down.

A lawyer and a Campaigner:

Abzug worked as a lawyer for many years after she graduated from Columbia University’s law school. She started out doing work law and then moved on to civil rights law. She took on the Willie McGee case when she worked for the American Civil Liberties Union. A white woman in Mississippi was raped by an African American man named McGee. 

He was given the death penalty for this crime, but many people didn’t think he was really guilty. Because Abzug worked on the case, white supremacists made her many threats. Even though it was dangerous for her, she was able to delay his execution by appealing his conviction. But nothing she did worked, and McGee was put to death in 1951.

Joined the Movements Against Nuclear Weapons:

Abzug also stood up for a lot of people who Senator Joseph McCarthy had said were communists. In the 1960s, she joined the movements against nuclear weapons and for peace. Abzug helped set up the 1961 Women’s Strike for Peace. She helped Friedan and Steinem start the National Women’s Political Caucus to bring attention to women’s issues and push for change.

Congresswoman on a Mission:

Abzug ran for Congress in 1970 and won a seat in the House of Representatives. He did this to make a bigger difference in politics. She was elected to Congress in 1971, and on her first day, she did something brave. Abzug put forward a bill that would get all American troops out of Vietnam. Even though the bill didn’t pass, it was just the first of many things Abzug would do to help the causes she cared about. Later Career

Left the House of Representatives:

Abzug ran for the U.S. Senate in 1976. Daniel Patrick Moynihan beat her by only 1%, which was a very heartbreaking loss. After Abzug left the House of Representatives in 1977, he ran for mayor of New York City, but Ed Koch beat him in the primaries. In 1978, President Jimmy Carter asked her to be a co-chair of the National Advisory Committee for Women. The next year, Carter fired Abzug for speaking her mind.

Start an Organization:

In 1986, Abzug ran for office again. She tried for a House of Representatives seat in New York’s Westchester County, but her Republican opponent beat her. Even though she never got into public office, she kept working for many causes in the 1980s and 1990s. Abzug also started an organization for women to help the environment.

The Last Years:

Abzug started to have health problems around the middle of the 1990s. She had breast cancer, but she didn’t let it stop her from doing what she wanted to do with her life. In 1995, she went to China to take part in the UN’s Fourth World Conference on Women.


Abzug was taken to a hospital in New York City early in 1998 because she was having heart problems. She died on March 31, 1998, because the heart surgery she had went wrong. Friends and allies were sad about the death of this powerful politician. Her onetime opponent, Koch, said, “Women all over the world, not just in her own country, owe her a lot. She was the only one who stood up for them. She fought for them, “He said this to the Boston Globe.

Bella Abzug Leadership Institute:

The Bella Abzug Leadership Institute works to keep her legacy alive today. The gathering helps and trains young ladies so they can turn into the heads of new day.

Personal Life:

In 1944, Abzug was married to Martin Abzug until his death, and they had two daughters together. Abzug became well-known and often criticized for speaking her mind on important issues. She contended hard for the rights of ladies and for individuals’ freedoms overall. Abzug made history in 1975 when she brought the first bill for gay rights to Congress. She became one of Washington’s most interesting people, and her hats became her trademark. But the hats weren’t just a cool way to dress. She once said that when she first started out in her career, “working women work hats. Only then would they take you seriously “The Boston Globe says that.

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